Learning and Development

As an early years setting we support your children in working towards the early learning goals as described in the 2021 Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, this framework can be seen on the www.gov.uk website.   

There are 7 areas of learning; 3 prime that cover personal,social and emotional development, communication and language development and physical development.  Alongside these are the 4 specific areas; literacy, maths, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.  The EYFS also describes the characteristics of effective learning which describes how children should be learning from their environment and the experiences that we provide.

Our aim is to provide a safe, happy and enriching early years experience for your children with the EYFS in mind.  Your child's learning and development will be recorded to facilitate individual and precise planning.  We use an online tool, Tapestry, to keep these records; they are fully accessible by you, indeed we encourage parents and carers to actively contribute towards developmental records.