Special Educational Needs and Disabilities -  Our Offer

The purpose of our local offer is to inform our parents/carers and prospective parents/carers about the way we can support families with children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Our setting has an experienced and trained SENCo who will work closely with you, fellow staff and other professionals to ensure the best outcome for all of our children.

1. How does Great Leighs Nursery know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs and/or disabilities?  

All children are allocated a Key Person who will initially gather information from you about your child, this information is recorded and extended by the use of observations, assessments (including integrated 2 year review) and planning which gives a picture of how your child is developing through the seven areas of the EYFS.  This process will enable us to identify any concerns, which will be shared with you and other professionals (with your consent) as needed. 

If at any time you have concerns about your child please speak to your Key Person or our SENCo.

2. How we support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Our SENCo Lindsay will work closely with you, your child, your Key Person  and other professionals to develop strategies that will support your child’s individual needs.  Information is shared through regular meetings and informal dialogue.

The effectiveness of our strategies are measured during regular meetings with you to discuss your child’s progress supported by observational evidence. 

3. How we create learning and development opportunities for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Every child is unique, through observations and evidence in their Learning Journeys, their interests and learning and development needs can be recognised and planned for.  

4. How we work in partnership with you


We have an open door approach and actively encourage you to stay and chat with your Key Person when necessary. We offer “stay and play” sessions every term and can offer more formal meetings on request.  It is very important to us that you feel welcomed and included during your child’s time at nursery.  You will be invited to nursery to be involved in the writing of any individual learning and development plan for your child and then the progress of your child through that plan.  Through next steps we will offer ideas on home learning that will support your child.  We provide yearly Parent Questionnaires and we invite all our parents/carers to share activities from home or volunteer to read a story or join a craft.

5. How we support the well being of young children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

We offer settling in periods and inductions to ensure that children new to the nursery are familiar with staff and the environment.  Our indoor and outdoor areas are risk assessed at the beginning of every session and during the session by our trained staff.  Medication can be administered by staff, training will be accessed if necessary and any medication given to your child will be logged in our medication record for you to sign when you collect your child.
Positive behaviour is recognised and praised at the time and during the end of session activities by sharing an achievement tree leaf with the whole group.  Any behavioural concerns will be shared with you to facilitate a consistent approach between home and the setting.

6. How experienced are staff at supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities?

All of our regular staff hold an early years qualification and have attended Mini Code of Practice training, our SENCo has attended the new Code of Practice briefing.  One member of staff has completed Makaton training and this is cascaded through to all staff.  All staff have completed safeguarding and first aid training.  
We constantly reflect on our practice and will attend training when a specific need is identified.

7. What Specialist services and expertise do we access?

  Our local Children’s centre and Health Visitor operate a satellite service in the hall adjoining ours and we have firm connections with them.  We work with all professionals as required for each child and encourage them to visit us as well as attend meetings with them.  We incorporate Speech and Language, Physio and Occupational Therapists report’s into our planning.

8. How accessible are we?

We have carried out an Access Audit and identified that the setting is accessible; with ramps to gain access, wide doors, single level throughout the indoor and outdoor environment and an accessible toilet.  We have an ENCo who coordinates meetings to comply with our Single Equality Scheme.  We can obtain equipment and resources to meet your child’s needs from toy libraries, and from the Local Authority.

9. How we support young children with special educational needs and/or disabilities when joining the setting and when transferring to another or school.

Induction:  All families are invited to a special induction session during the term before their child starts nursery.  You will be invited to visit the setting as often as you are able as soon as you have made contact with us to ease the settling in period and facilitate connections between staff and your child.  Settling in is very individual and children will be supported by their Key Person, parent/carer and staff to ensure a smooth start to nursery.

Transition:  We liaise with all schools/settings that your child will be going to and invite them to visit.  We complete preschool assessments to share with your child’s new setting and ask that you share your Child’s learning Journey with the new setting to give an overview of their learning and development.  We share information with other settings that your child might attend.

10. How we organise our resources to meet the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

We are able to apply to Essex County Council for additional funding to meet your child’s needs if necessary.  We would ensure staff attend specific training as necessary.

11. How appropriate support is decided.

Our SENCo will work closely with you, your child and other professionals to determine your child’s needs.  We have regular meetings to share information with all of our staff and receive feedback on your child’s progress.  Your child’s Key Person will continue observations and assessments meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage.

12. Who to contact for further information.

More detailed information can be found in our Policies and Procedures, please pop in to see us to view a copy.

To register at our setting please contact Lindsay Grice on 07504 674686 or greatleighsnursery@gmail.com

If you would like to discuss your child prior to starting with us please contact Lindsay Grice on 07751 024351 (term time only) or greatleighsnursery@gmail.com or come in and visit us, no appointment necessary.

Website: www.theleighsnurserygroup.co.uk

Once your child has started with us they will be allocated a Key Person to support them and you will be able to discuss any concerns or progress with them as well as the Managers or SENCo at any time.